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This page was last updated on: 25 July, 2005
The Ridge Mander Photo Gallery
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Dorothy and Barb's UK, Australian and Canadian ancestors: from David Ridge Mander b.1860
Dorothy and Barb's Canadian present day family - the Mander/Holbrows.
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Frederick Ridge Mander
David Ridge Mander  b.1860 in UK, and his wife, Maria Elizabeth Towell.
Dorothy and Barb's English Great Grandparents.
Frederick Ridge Mander and Bessie Matthews
Frederick Ridge Mander  b.1886 in UK, and his wife, Bessie Matthews, Dorothy and Barb's English Grandparents.  They emigrated to Canada and had (David) Ralph, Fred, Leslie and Kathleen.
Frederick Ridge Mander  b.1886. Photograph taken in Newton Abbot, Devon, UK.
David Ridge Mander lived for much of his life in the southern county of Devon, UK. There were big naval bases there - and still are.
Frederick and his siblings were born and brought up there.
Maria, Eva, David Ridge Mander and Frederick
David, Maria, Fred, Eva, David (UK Family 1),
Nora and Kathleen
Frederick and Eva, his sister.
Frederick and (David) Ralph, his brother.
Frederick, (David) Ralph, Kathleen and Les
Nora, Eva and Kathleen - Frederick's sisters.
Les, Bessie, (David) Ralph, Fred,
baby Kathleen.
Les and Fred.
Bessie and Kathleen
(David) Ralph